Oral presentations and posters

2021 Ph.D. dissertation defense
Dissertation title: Upscaling tree demography to heterogeneous landscapes using models and remote sensing.

Committee memebers. Upper left corner: Dr. Kelly Hopping, lower left corner: Dr.Jodi Brandt, lower right corner: Dr. Pedro Brancalion, left on the front of the picture: Dr. Trevor Caughlin
2020 Presentation at the StanCon
The StanCon is a global event about innovative uses of Stan for Bayesian modeling
Presentation title: Spatial models for plant neighborhood dynamics in Stan.

Presentation at ISEC
Presentation title: A Bayesian framework to link remote sensing and field data to predict natural regeneration at the landscape scale.

Invited speaker and poster presenter at the GEM3 2020 Annual conference
Presentation title: Communicating Science in Spanish to Diverse Audiences.

2019 Presentation at the US-IALE 2019
Presentation title: Scaling-up restoration: Modelling recruitment from inventory data to thousands of hectares.

2018 Thesis proposal defense presentation and poster

2017 Poster at the Biology Department Graduate Student Symposium

Presentation title: Scaling up population dynamics of tropical forest trees in a reforesting landscape.